“I Get Shit Done”

I had a call this morning with a long-time friend and one of my first coaching clients when I started back in 2016.

We were chatting about life and children and all the things when she suddenly said, “I still hear you in my head when I need to get things done.

“I am Sarah, and I get shit done”

I can’t tell you how much I LOVED hearing this.

Sarah was (and to a certain extent still is ? ?) somebody who tends to procrastinate.

When she started coaching with me she was a newly single Mum with tiny children as her husband had just left, she was anxious, had lost her self-esteem and confidence but she really wanted to get back to college and finish the degree she had started. She had a to-do list the length of the street, and boxes of unopened mail she couldn’t bring herself to deal with.

The “I am Sarah, and I get shit done” was what I taught her to say when she had something to do that she was tempted to procrastinate on.

It takes roughly 3 seconds to say that. Not enough time to talk yourself back out of doing it and enough time to take a breath before you DO THE THING.

Sarah told me that she still uses this every time she needs to do something as well as other tools she developed through working together.

And that’s why I loved hearing it.  It brought home again, the fact that my work doesn’t just benefit my clients for the period of time we work together – it benefits them for the rest of their life.

And it benefits those around them too.

Sarah relayed a story about telling her friends how she achieves so much after her friend told her how productive she thinks Sarah is, and so that method of getting shit done spreads.

By the time we finished working together Sarah’s life was forever changed. She had truly broken through to a new way of Being.

Her confidence was skyrocketed, her stress reduced and she knew that universal intelligence was always working for her greatest good.

She’s now a highly accomplished and award-winning artist having finished her degree with a First Class Honours a couple of years ago and judging by what she was telling me today, she’s manifesting a wonderful life that just gets better and better.