Sometimes you've got to take a stand
I stand for freedom of thought,
freedom of possibility,
freedom to be who you BE.
I stand for Love
and Justice
I stand for a Patchwork Quilt that celebrates differences
over a Melting Pot of homogenization
My intention is to help create a loving and accepting world that is fit for my descendants of seven generations and more.
My vision is a world where everybody lives and works with freedom, fulfilment, enjoyment, happiness, and peace of mind.
My mission is to help you to BE the truest version of YOU so you can live a life and build a business that benefits humanity’s growth.
The consciousness of the world has changed.
People are no longer prepared to put up with being treated badly, and that has been reflected in the work that they are no longer willing to take on,
the wages they are no longer willing to accept,
and the life that they are willing to leave behind
as they search for something More
that makes them feel whole, valued, and fulfilled.
We have the chance to make the difference the world is looking for.
We get to create the businesses that serve the many instead of the few.
And to do that we get to draw lines in the sand and unapologetically state our values and what’s important in our world.
What do you stand for?