Do you have goals?
Are you sick and tired of setting the same goals, year after year without getting them?
Do you know what to do but for some reason you just don’t do it?
Are you the sort of person that sets goals?
Maybe you set a New Years Resolution?
If you’re like MOST people, life got in the way and your resolve went out of the window.
You couldn’t find the time or you found that getting your goal was just too hard.
And once you started sliding off track, self-doubt and procrastination snuck in and you got further and further from your goal.
The fact that you’re here, tells me that you’re ready to change all of that though.
You want to make a goal and finally stick to it.
So what makes some people succeed and others fail?
The simple answer is that the ones who succeed have clarity and support.
They remove the roadblocks that prevent their success which means that they gain the momentum they need to keep them going when times get tough.
Or maybe you’ve reached some of your goals but you’re running yourself into the ground.
Reaching this goal, the way that you’ve done it, has made you to feel so stressed and overwhelmed you feel like you’re stuck on a never-ending treadmill of work work and more work but you just can’t seem to get any higher.
I totally hear you because I’ve been where you are.

Hi, I’m Janet Mohapi-Banks and before becoming a Stress Free Goal Achievement Specialist I was planning my funeral.
I was an Internationally recognised, award winning, high achiever and I was really flying high.
Reaching goals had never been a problem for me – in fact I’ve always found it easy. I was at the top of my career and exactly where I wanted to be, but for me, having everything I wanted came with a very heavy price tag. Living with high stress caused me to develop a rare digestive disorder that was slowly starving me to death.
I was bedridden for 5 years and that gave me time to think about all the amazing things that I had accomplished. Although I was very proud of my achievements, the reality was that I probably wouldn’t be here for my children’s next birthday. I realised that I had made a choice between achieving my goals and being alive to enjoy them, and that didn’t seem fair to me. I knew that there should be a way for people to achieve their goals and live a life of passion, fulfilment and purpose without the stress that usually goes with it.
I’m so grateful to be able to introduce to you my Flagship 4 Week Program
From Stuck to Unstoppable
This is for you if you want to:
- reach all of your goals without stress, self-doubt and overwhelm.
- continually upgrade and up-level your life
- make more money
- have a better relationship
- get fitter
- work less hours and produce more
- or even just lose your stress!
The same process that works for one, works for the others so the skills and the processes you learn on this program are completely transferable to all of the goals that you’re going to have.
On the From Stuck to Unstoppable program you will get:
Week 1 – Clarity – You’ll identify where you are, where you want to be and what’s keeping you stuck.
Week 2 – Clear The Roadblocks – You’ll identify the things, both practical and mental, that prevent you from taking the action that you need to take. Every time we move past one of these invisible barriers, we grow in confidence, self-belief and self-esteem.
Week 3 – Create The You Who Succeeds – By putting yourself at the centre of your focus you’ll be able to step into a happy, healthy, completely loved up version of yourself to have a hugely successful life.
Week 4 – Cultivate Your Abundant Mindset – You will know that your birth is proof of your worth. You’ll know in your heart that you can have everything you want and you’ll know that you deserve it.
Image always knowing your best next steps and exactly how to make them happen so you live with confidence and the security of having an easily actionable personal plan to your dreams.
And imagine having me as your coach, guiding your way, every day.
You’ll also get an incredible 51 page workbook so you can do the deep dive into your subconscious.
Get this amazing course now for only
I am so looking forward to helping you to achieve all of your goals without stress because once you know the process, you can apply it to everything you want to do.
Got questions? Need to Chat?
Book onto my schedule now.