Consciously Creating Group Program

This WILL Work For You Too

Knowing on a cognitive level that you create your own reality doesn’t mean that you’re seeing the manifestations you dream of materialize.

You’ve watched The Secret, you’ve studied Bob and Abraham, and you’ve been getting Notes from the Universe since you first got sold on the idea of conscious creation, but when it just doesn’t seem to be working for you what do you do?

Giving up isn’t an option because your mind is cracked open …

But how long can you keep up the affirmations without seeing any results?

When you learn and embody this method you’ll FINALLY be able to


Have the confidence to drop all the pretenses and just BE who you are, knowing that who you are is more than enough
Release the agonizing frustration of knowing that life holds more for you but being unable to get to it because everything you want is now showing up in your reality
Laugh out loud in the thrill and enjoyment of the magic that appears all around you to create a life you love

Sounds like the dream, doesn’t it?

Isn’t THIS what you’ve been working for?

Consciously creating your life through manifestation means that even when life throws you an unexpected curveball you’ll ride with the waves instead of getting sucked under as you’ll have definite proof that everything in the Universe is conspiring for your greatest good.  

The understanding you’ll gain in this process brings more peace, confidence, and calm contentment in your life than you ever thought possible. 



Leaning back and relaxing into your day knowing beyond doubt that you’re always supported and guided by Universal Intelligence
Having no more fear around hearing bad news as you’ll fully understand how the Laws of the Universe really work
Holding in your hand and seeing with your eyes the visions that you’ve held for so long in your mind as they finally materialize into your current reality
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Janet’s superpower is FIRE!  She ignites it in others. Fans the flame that’s burning low, into a raging super fire. That makes you burn through your goals, new and old.

Wageedah Salie, South Africa

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Janet knows how to get in there and make a person, a new person again. There’s stuff that you didn’t even know about yourself that will come out. It’s definitely life-changing.

Lisa Robinette, California

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Working with Janet has had a transformational effect on my mindset, attitude, and business. And sums of money just show up out of nowhere! I can’t explain it. Her true talk and encouragement guide you to be the very best version of yourself. I cannot recommend working with Janet enough.

Foluke Akinlose MBE, FRSA, UK

You know manifesting a fantastic life is possible, and you’re really smart, so why isn’t it working?

Getting stuck at any level, whether that’s a financial level, level of position in your career, or level of happiness, means that there’s an internal program that’s preventing you from progressing in the way you want to. 

And until these programs are uncovered and rewritten they’ll continue to trip you up and put roadblocks in your path that feel like impossible hurdles to overcome. 

You know that trying to charge through with brute force only leaves you feeling worn out, burned out, stressed out, and unfulfilled and that isn’t a path that you can go down again. 

The good news is that this process means that you’ll never have to deal with that struggling ‘hustle ’til you drop’ mentality again.

When you put this process into action:

Life becomes calmer and fun
You become peaceful and fulfilled
Your success is inevitable and incredible

The problem with the way that you’ve been doing things is that it just hasn’t worked for you.

Following somebody else’s idea of how your life should look and feel or what your success should look like, hasn’t filled you with the joy you expected.

Knowing that life should feel ‘More than this’ feels frustrating and unfulfilling but every time you think you’re getting close to manifesting the life of your dreams, something seems to pull your dreams away from you again.

This process utilizes the same framework I use in my Private Coaching programs that have helped powerful creators like you to completely transform their lives and businesses and manifest their personal definition of success. 

Because you want More than an average life, you can’t follow the rules of the average person. 

Your phenomenal life has to be created from the inside out and that’s exactly what this process does.

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Even though I was doing well in my business, Janet helped me to see my worth and break through layers of conditioning and trauma. As a result, I’m less fearful, I got fully booked and I love myself more. That’s the key for me. If I can love myself more I can do anything I set my mind and heart to.

Patrice Hutton-Jones, UK

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If there is one thing of which I am certain, it is that the world would be a kinder, more empathic, confident, joyful, and whole place if every person were able to participate in sessions with Janet. Give yourself the gift of unlocking new possibilities within yourself by engaging in this work.

Naomi McDougall Jones, US

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Janet has a system that got to some old core beliefs that I did not know still existed. From there we did another process that was incredible and so freeing, it left me feeling inspired and motivated. My time with Janet really was a sacred experience and I highly recommend working with her.

Neecol Resnin, US

What does Consciously Creating your amazing life look like?

When you work with me you’re able to improve your manifestation success, including every area of your life from your finances and your relationships to your self-love and business success. 

This program consists of teaching you the powerful and proven The Mohapi Method To More™ process that will open you up as a conduit for all that you want.

This includes:

Group energetic clearings
Mindset Rewiring
Manifestation Mastery
Metaphysical Principles
Success Visioneering 
Q & A so you’re never left wondering how to make the method work.


You’ll also get journaling prompts and homework to dig as deeply as you need to, to uncover the memories and programming that are currently keeping you stuck so you’re able to release them and bring your manifestations into your reality quickly.

The 6 Week Group Intensive 

You’ll leave this 6-week program as the fully integrated version of you on the other side of your breakthrough, able to manifest a life that lights you up in every area. 

This is for you if you have a basic to intermediate understanding of the Universal Laws and want to embody and integrate them fully so they truly work for you.

The fact that you want More from your life means that it’s already created in the energetic realms.

Once you become a true vibrational match for it by Being in the state of consciousness that already has it, it has no choice but to materialize into your current reality. The problem is that so far your state of consciousness and vibrational frequency has been missing the mark. 

And if you aren’t in the right State, you’re never going to bring your manifestations in intentionally. 

But when you go through this process you will BE in the state that creates everything you want.

You will know what it feels like to vibrate at the level that creates your world, and you will be able to manifest at will.

The life you want will no longer be just out of range of your fingertips, you’ll get to hold it in your hands. 

You’ll get to experience the joy, the pleasure, the luxury of living a consciously created life – and when you consciously create your life, it’ll never disappoint you.

Your life will no longer leave you feeling unfulfilled because you’ve been led by your highest self to every decision you’ve made.

You create the satisfying, joyous life that you choose to live.

You get to have it all just because you decide that you do.

You get to have it all, and you get to have it all at once, knowing that you’re worthy and deserving just because you are. 

How do I know this will work for you?

Because it’s worked for me and my Private Clients

The life I live now is very far removed from the life I used to live – even a year ago.

The tools and techniques that you’ll learn in the Consciously Creating group programs are the exact things that I used to take myself from what I was told would be my deathbed to now living a life that I’d dreamed of.

As the owner of a world-class cake decorating business, I had the pleasure of attending and catering for parties in the swankiest of places like The Savoy, The Ritz, and The Connaught Hotel in London’s Mayfair.

But one day my body decided that the high-powered stress that came with my dreams was more than it wanted to handle and I developed an awful digestive disorder that would slowly starve me to death. 

It was so hard to see my lofty dreams that I had worked so hard to achieve crumble before my eyes.  And it was even harder seeing my marriage end whilst I was so ill that I didn’t expect to see my son’s 10th birthday.

But here I stand, just a few years later, in my power and in my joy. 

When I got well, five years after first getting sick, my child and I sat down and created a list that fulfilled the life experiences that we wanted to enjoy.

We looked around the world and decided that Canada held our hearts, so we made getting there our highest intention. 

We sold our 4 bedroomed house by the sea along with everything in it before we’d even got the permits we needed to gain entry to the country.

Covid came and the planes were grounded but the vision was still strong.

As soon as the planes were flying again, the permits arrived, and we moved in the middle of the pandemic from the UK to Canada.

We now live in an apartment that ticked every box of our wishlist in one of the most sought-after areas of the city with views through our floor-to-ceiling windows of the mountains, city, and water that I’d seen a thousand times before we got here.

I graduated with Distinction (GPA 3.95/4.00) and within the top 2% of my 1,200-person graduating cohort of my MBA and I am literally living my dream. 

This wouldn’t have been possible without the tools and techniques of The Mohapi Method To More™.


But manifesting the life I wanted wasn’t always easy for me. 


Even as a Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, it took me a little while to fully integrate how to make my manifestations work.

This means that I know the pitfalls, I know the misunderstandings, and I know what I needed to change about

what I was thinking,

what I was doing,

and who I was BEing

to take my manifestations from an unsatisfactory drip to the full-force rainmaker shower they are today.

But it’s not just me who’s been able to change their life using these techniques. 

My clients have also experienced transformations way beyond their expectations using The Mohapi Method To More™ framework that forms the basis of the Consciously Creating programs.

This includes:


Multiplying their income by more than 8 times

Paying off their mortgages and becoming debt free

Reducing their work hours and earning more

Creating financial overflow

Experiencing closer relationships 

Finding more healing than they’ve experienced in years of therapy.

Having more happiness, ease, and joy than they ever thought was possible.

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I knew my business was progressing and I was stepping into some things in my life with more courage, but there was something still missing. Janet helped me to reconnect to my worth and know that I am good enough. What it felt like, viscerally, is that we were actually extracting a part of me that was attached to low-level, negative emotions. We threw them away and now they’re not part of me anymore. I highly recommend Janet as a coach, as a person, and as an energy healer. She’s amazing.

Nancy V Presser, US

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Janet’s integrity, depth of wisdom, and heart-centred, professional approach were immediately apparent. Our time together provided the safe spacing and nurturing framework necessary for me to connect with a part of me that I was ready to. The value of releasing what I no longer needed in a kind and caring way will have a rippling effect on my whole health moving forward. Deeply grateful.”

Charlene SanJenko, Canada

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I would definitely recommend working with Janet. Especially if you’re new in business like I was, having the support around you from somebody who sees your vision is so important. I definitely recommend her. You will love her as a coach, she was fabulous. So definitely be sure to work with her because it changed my life and it was an amazing experience.

Haley Helveston, US

This isn’t a journey that should be taken lightly because on the other side of your breakthrough is a whole new world that requires you to grow into it, and it can be scary and exhilarating in equal measure.

There’s no denying that transformation can be hard but it’s so much harder going it alone without a support structure beside you who know both the struggles and the thrills of the journey you’re on. 

Because you can’t see through a different lens of understanding until you’re aware that there’s a different lens available, having somebody who’s been where you are, who can guide you past the potholes, and open doors that weren’t visible to you before, there is no amount of money that could truly match the value of that support.

Once those doors are open they’ll be open for the rest of your life and your success will only be limited by the extent of your imagination. 

And once you go through this program and learn how to manifest at will the things and experiences you want in your world, just imagine what that world will look like. 

It’s impossible to put a price on that.

As I want you and everybody else in my circles to unapologetically rise as high as you want to I’ve made this program as accessible as I can.

I don’t want anything to stand in the way of you manifesting the life of your dreams as I have.

Haven’t you spent enough time trying to make this work on your own?

One thing is in life that will always be constant, is that time keeps marching onwards, and the longer we stay stuck in the frustration of not having the life that we want, the longer we’re likely to stay there. 

We develop thought patterns that make it harder to get out of the groove, which turned into a rut, a long time ago so we’ve got to jump ready or not when we feel the pull to do so. 

Trusting yourself to make it work is what manifestation is all about so unless you’re all in, you might as well be all out because if you split your energy your manifestation will be so slow that it’ll never pick up the momentum you need for it to happen.

But you won’t be alone and you couldn’t be in better hands so if this isn’t Your time … when is?

The dissatisfaction of an unfulfilled life could be gone in weeks.  I’ve seen it happen that quickly so it could absolutely happen for you too. 

When you enroll you’ll: 

Say goodbye to unmet desires and welcome in everything you want your life to look and feel like
See through different eyes that your possible accomplishments are indeed limitless
You’ll find peace of mind, confidence, and clarity as you consciously create your new reality

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes.  Although to get the most out of this program you really need to turn up for the Live calls so you get your questions answered and the personal attention that every member on the call receives. 

No.  This work takes true commitment so no refunds will be offered if you don’t enjoy it or can’t make the Live calls.

Before you enroll in the program please make sure that you’re ready and able to make the calls and do the work and that you’re committed to sticking with it even when it gets uncomfortable or difficult.  It really is the only way that you’re going to see the change you want to make in your life.

If you choose to drop out and have chosen to pay for the program using the payment plan you’re still required to make all payments that are due to cover the interest-free payment option that has been extended to you.

I really wish I could! I believe in this program and in all the work I do with my clients to my very core and the results that you see on this page are from real people who have worked with me.

However, your results are your responsibility. Because I can’t dictate how deeply you’re going to do the work that’s necessary to achieve the results you want, it’s impossible for me to guarantee any results or increase in income, happiness, or fulfillment. Although the testimonials on this page are a common reflection of the results achieved, they cannot be held as a representation or promise of the results that any individual can achieve.


I want you to be 100% sure that this is the right program for you so if you have any other queries or questions, please email

Effective manifestation is so much more than saying affirmations and thinking happy thoughts – it takes real work to evaporate everything that is keeping your manifestations from showing up.

That means uncovering the reasons, thoughts, and beliefs that are causing the resistance that is preventing the flow of magical manifested creation into your world. 

Investing in yourself can feel scary, but if you’ve got this far, and feel the pull to this program, then something within you knows that this is for you.

Your choice is to honor that energetic pull or ignore it.

But if you’re ignoring this energetic pull, where else are you choosing to ignore the calling from your Highest Self?

Feeling the pull and acting upon it takes courage but when you allow yourself to step into the bravest version of You, your energy shifts to match the belief that you’re placing in yourself by doing so.

And that energetic shift opens you up to magic.

If you know that you’re ready to take that brave step and do the inner work that it takes to manifest an amazing life, then this is definitely the program for you. 

I don’t believe that there are any other group programs or processes that will guide you as powerfully and gently through the real work that you get to do to BE the powerful creator you really are.