You Can Have It All

The reason I live where I do, doing an MBA at 51 years old, on the other side of the planet from where I was, is because my child and I sat down and created a list of everything we wanted to experience from life.

We then looked around the world for the place that would bring those experiences to us, and Vancouver ticked every box.

So, in the middle of the pandemic, we sold our house and everything in it …became AirBnB homeless whilst we waited for permits to study, and planes to be allowed to fly …

not knowing for sure that we would ever be allowed in.

We didn’t have a Plan B.

We held the faith …

I held the vision …

and eventually, everything lined up and we got into our new country to experience our new lives.

Everything you want is available to you.

But it might not appear within the blink of an eye.

You might have to hold your faith with grace and detachment for longer than you expect to …

But when you do …

You can have it all.